Who We Are
In the summer of 2005, while the G8 met in Scotland and made promises that have yet to be kept, a people’s movement was born in Edinburgh. Under the banner of “Make Poverty History” a quarter of a million people marched on Edinburgh’s streets calling for an end to man-made poverty through changes to a glaringly unjust trade system and a suffocating debt burden. The following year a group of activists and organisations met to keep the spirit of those events going. Since then the Edinburgh World Justice Festival has continued to keep world justice issues on the agenda in our city. The Festival gives us an opportunity to explore what we as individuals and as a community can do to work for positive change.
View this year’s programme here
What is the festival?
The 2017 festival is now over! We held 30 events all over the city, including exhibitions on peacebuilding in Syria, debates on the housing crisis and screenings of investigative documentaries such as 9 Days in Cairo and Shadow World. See videos below and join us for next year! Sign up to our mailing list to find out how to get involved in next years festival!
Our team
william Cook

Sam curren
flower Ross
David warner

David Sovell

Pete Cummins
Matthew jonson

Matthew jonson
Kirsty carson

brittany Haigh
Harriet nool
Supporters of EWJF
I recall taking part in the great Make Poverty History march in Edinburgh, and before that the excellent Jubilee 2000 campaign on world debt. With the credit crunch, action on world poverty is now even more urgent and so the Edinburgh World Justice Festival is an even more vital contribution to the campaign. It has my full support and encouragement.
George Foulkes MSP, Scottish Parliament
I fully support the aims of the Edinburgh World Justice Festival. Knowledge and understanding of the causes of poverty, war and injustice are the first steps in tackling these issues. The simple act of discussing and debating the problems affecting people around the world provides hope and optimism for the future.
Councillor Steve Cardownie Festival and Events Champion, The City of Edinburgh Council
Our Values
International Justice and Development
Raise the profile of international justice and development issues
Collective action
Foster collective action on human rights, climate justice and peace
Public Platform
Be a platform for co-operation and debate for the world justice movement in Edinburgh